Thanks to all who came along to the Adelaide premiere of Evolutionary last night; if you went and you’re reading this, why not rate the show and give some feedback on the talkfringe web site?
In an update on the germ warfare front, the little fellas are tenacious, I’ll give them that. There’s a possibility the throat goblins are viral, in which case the antibiotics will do nothing to slow them down, but I did manage almost the entire show last night without going hoarse, even if I paid for it this morning. But don’t worry, lab coat fans – science will prevail.
Oh, I forgot to mention: if you’re reading this blog and want to bring your friends along, then you can get yourself some cheaper tickets by booking a group of 10 or more and giving the password “Erasmus” – $10 tickets for everyone who does so! And all because you love the lab coat. Or potentially love the lab coat. I’m hopeful you will, and even possibly the man inside it.