Ben has written for stage, screen, radio, games and print.

As a comedy writer he’s written multiple solo comedy shows, sketches for The Anarchist Guild Social Committee live show and Channel 31’s Planet Nerd, and co-created the time travel radio comedy Night Terrace. He currently teaches creative writing at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, for both 100 Story Building and the Australian College of the Arts (Collarts), the latter as part of their Comedy degree.

Ben is currently a narrative consultant for Lucernal’s upcoming advent videogame Little Ruin, and was lead writer and narrative designer for Tin Man Games’ VR game Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown. See the videogames page for more. He’s written several small tabletop roleplaying games, with two microgames freely available via his page, and a couple more in development.

In print, Ben has written reviews, articles and games for publications like The Lifted Brow and The Saturday Paper. He also writes sporadically about games at Losing An Eye on Medium.

Some of Ben’s print publications can be found below. 

In Print

Whose Doctor? Reflections on a Time Lord – Adam Ford (ed.), June 2014

Whose Doctor? is a collection of personal musings on the Time Lord and his adventures and what they mean to nine Melbourne-based poets, comedians, scriptwriters, academics and authors. Ben’s piece “Doctor Sylv Love (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Admit Seven is my Favourite)” sits alongside those by Adam Ford, LJ Maher, George Ivanoff, Emilie Collyer, John Richards, Karen Pickering, Philip Ashmore and Jules Wilkinson. It’s available exclusively as an eBook through Tomely and Smashwords, for the bargain price of $5.

Geek Mook – Aaron Mannion & Julian Novitz (ed.), Vignette Press, 13 July 2012

Ben contributed to this “magazine book” anthology of geek-themed fiction, non-fiction, poetry and art. Ben’s lighthearted essay “What Makes A Wizard?” asks whether being magical is genetic in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Originally published by Vignette Press, Geek Mook unfortunately appears to be out of print and currently unavailable.

Our Last Best Hope Companion – Mark Diaz Truman et al, Magpie Games

Magpie Games’ Our Last Best Hope is a storytelling game of heroic sacrifice and humanity-threatening disaster. The Companion book introduces a variety of new ways to play it, including Ben’s contribution – rules and guidelines for playing the game as a comedy. He also contributed some ideas for the main rulebook. The game is available on DriveThruRPG and through the publisher’s web site.

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