The Man in the Media

I’m popping up in a few places this week, so look out if you’re up for a dose of enthusiastic science geekery!

Matt Smith – no, not the new Doctor, but the lovely man putting together The Pun’s PunCast interviews – spoke to me the other day about the [intlink id=”85″ type=”page”]Melbourne Museum Comedy Tour[/intlink], the Anarchist Guild Social Committee and Graeme Garden. It was excellent fun, and I hope you’ll enjoy listening to our conversation, which you can find in PunCast Episode 9.

Also, if you’re in Melbourne, be sure to tune in to Channel 31 on Monday, April 20 for Yartz, where the irrepressible (but no less lovely than Matt Smith) Ralph McLean asked me the hard questions about dinosaurs at Melbourne Museum. This one will probably also end up on YouTube, I’m told – I’ll be sure to link to it when it does!

Speaking of the tour, you do all know that it begins this Thursday (April 16), right? And that the first week is nearly sold out? Book your tickets now or get them at the door (there are still a few left for Friday and Saturday), and we’ll see you there!

One comment

  1. Ed says:

    Hi Ben!

    I’ve been meaning on dropping by earlier to say how much we enjoyed the Melbourne Museum Comedy Tour. It was great entertainment and really stirred our interest in visiting the museum again. Glad to see that the show sold out on the night we were there.

    Also hope the Anarchist Guild Social Committee show went well.


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