Tag: Museum Comedy

Melbourne International Science Festival?

Of course there’s no such thing. But every year I try to inject a little science into the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, usually through the medium of the Melbourne Museum Comedy Tour. This year is no different – and you can get all the goss, and tickets, over at museumcomedy.com.

But, I sense you wonder, what else are you doing? Surely you have something more directly science-y in the works? And, well…I sort of do. It’s true that my focus has wandered in recent years, taking in a broader geeky scope than just science. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t written often here on the blog – I try to confine myself to science topics, and yet a lot of my time is taken up thinking about games, stories, politics and other things. Mostly in a geeky context, of course. For this reason, my next solo show – or shows, it might be two – is also broader in scope. Roughly 25% of it will be science based, but the other 75% will be the other three quadrants of the geek equation.

But this is all part and parcel of my life, both as a person and as a comedian. You can read about the comedy output on my production company site, Shaolin Punk, and more specifically about Museum Comedy on its own site. This place…well, this is about me as a solo performer, and if I’m going to me more broadly geeky, then so is this site. I’ll still write about science topics close to my heart – so expect things about dinosaurs, space, evolution and so on – but I’ll also be writing about the other things that matter to me.  I’ll tag things, though, so you can filter stuff out, but it’s time I talked more here, and that means opening it up.

I’m curious, though; assuming anyone reads this still, what do you want to see? What would you like to hear me talk about? I’m entirely open to suggestions. Maybe I’ll even start a podcast. Who knows?

I’ll tell you who knows. Only the future. Let’s go hang out there.